A platform everyone should know about

Nutcracker Therapeutics is on a mission to advance RNA-based treatments for as many diseases as possible, as fast as possible. With their revolutionary manufacturing platform, Nutcracker is developing breakthrough RNA therapies at high velocity from beginning to end. Nutcracker initially engaged HDMZ to develop their brand platform and redesign their corporate site, which evolved into a long-term PR engagement aimed at getting them the credit they deserve for both their therapeutics pipeline and platform. The on-going PR campaign has successfully garnered attention from top-tier publications, and continues to drive positive sentiment around the promise of RNA therapeutics.



Project components

Creative Public Relations Messaging Development Custom Photography Website Development
A graphic showing Nutcracker's process-specific biochip capabilities.

High Impact Earned Media

A spread of logos for high impact media publications such as Forbes and Wall Street Journal, displayed on a white background.
A model computer screen displays an Endpoints News article featuring Nutcracker.