When a search query looks like a question, Google increasingly displays a featured snippet, also known as an Answer Box, in the SERPs. Having your site’s content featured in these Answer Boxes is a great way to boost organic (SEO) traffic!


What Is A Google Answer Box?

Google describes it thus:

When a user asks a question in Google Search, we might show a search result in a special featured snippet block at the top of the search results page. This featured snippet includes a summary of the answer, extracted from a webpage, plus a link to the page, the page title and URL.

An example from the world of digital marketing shows what an Answer Box looks like:



How Can It Benefit You?

Appearing “at the top of the search results page”, Answer Boxes occupy prime real estate in the new ‘position zero’: directly below paid listings (if any) but above the first organic result in the SERP.

Per the above screenshot, you can also be referenced twice for the same query on the first search results page. And you do not have to control the first organic spot for your content to feature in an Answer Box. As an added bonus, Google will on occasion also add an image from your page in the top right corner of the Answer Box.

There’s no doubt about it: Answer Boxes offer an eye-catching way to establish authority and capture prime real estate on Google Search results.

And with everyone trying to get into first place, ‘position zero’ is an incredibly powerful way to drive organic visitors to your site, improve brand awareness and increase your reach.

Pages that get picked for featured snippets have seen huge increases in both sessions and click-through-rates.


How Can Your Site’s Content Get Featured In Google Answer Boxes?

Two key considerations influence your ability to compete for a featured snippet.

First, you have to rank organically on the first page of the search results. You do not have to rank #1 but you do have to appear on the first page to compete for ‘position zero’.

Second, you need to have content that effectively targets the question. Figure out what questions your customers are asking and create content they are likely to find useful.

Other considerations also play a role, including how your page content is structured. For assistance on how to optimize your content for Google Answer Boxes, email us at client.services@hdmz.com