As the summer comes to a close, I want to reflect on an incredible experience interning with the media team at HDMZ. I learned about the agency through family and friends about a year ago, and grew interested in learning more about the company. As a journalism student from the University of Missouri, I was nervous that not having a scientific background would be challenging at this company. But I quickly learned that having a passion for learning and absorbing new information is just as useful as a science background. 

I am about to start my senior year at Mizzou. And I am beyond grateful to have had this opportunity to learn and grow in my professional career, and excited to share some of the highlights of the past two months!

Diving Deep into Metrics and Tagging Ads

One of the most significant areas of learning for me this summer has been understanding the intricacies of metrics and tagging ads. Coming into this internship, I had a basic understanding of these concepts. But, my time at HDMZ has expanded my knowledge exponentially. From the importance of tracking user engagement to the detailed process of setting up and analyzing ad tags, I've gained a comprehensive understanding of how these elements drive successful media campaigns, and show areas for improvement. Tagging ads and monitoring their metrics provide invaluable insights into audience engagement and ad performance. This also allows clients to see what their money is doing, which builds trust within the relationship. 

A Supportive and Passionate Team

The supportive environment at HDMZ has been instrumental in my learning journey. Every team member has been incredibly helpful and enthusiastic about teaching me the ins and outs of their work. John, Mary, and Q, my fellow media team members, have been especially supportive. They took me in, taught me about each of their clients, and provided critical feedback and suggestions on how I could add value. They made the onboarding process so easy, and it made me excited about all I was learning.

As I met many people across all the teams, there was one thing they all had in common: Everyone was so excited to talk to me, and about their work. There is a passion for clients and the work everyone does, and it was truly amazing to see this energy in a work environment. The HDMZ community has made such a positive impact on my internship experience.

Learning About HDMZ and Its Clients

One of the most exciting aspects of this internship has been learning about HDMZ’s clients and the diverse industries it serves. From healthcare to biotech, the agency’s client portfolio is varied. Understanding the unique needs and goals of each client has given me a deeper appreciation for the strategic thinking and creativity required in the media industry.

Cytiva has been one of my favorite clients. The company has many running campaigns, which can be challenging. Yet, this complexity is what made the experience so interesting and rewarding. Science marketing, unlike my past experience with consumer products and non-profit organizations, presents unique challenges and differences. However, it is fundamentally similar in its essence — marketing is about telling a compelling story. And at HDMZ, I've seen how this storytelling has played out across different industries, while also giving me the opportunity to learn about an industry in which I previously had no experience.

A Summer to Remember

As I look back on this summer, I am grateful for the opportunity to intern with such a dynamic and passionate team. The knowledge and skills I’ve gained, combined with the support and mentorship from John, Mary, Q, and the entire HDMZ team, have made this an unforgettable experience. I am excited to carry these learnings forward into my future endeavors, and continue growing in the field of media.

Thank you, HDMZ, for an amazing summer!

Topics: HDMZ