Deliver a Successful Investor Presentation
Does your investor presentation clearly articulate your passion, commitment and value in 20 minutes or less? The development and delivery of a presentation plays a critical part in getting the attention you want and deserve. Every company has a different story to tell, but most of the time the presentations are in the same format, in the same room, and to the same people. Our team has had the privilege of watching and developing biotech company presentations for over 15 years.
HDMZ Staff
March 25, 2013
Corporate Communications
Investor Presentations
Investor Relations
Networked & Personalized - the future of biotech?
During BIO2012 last week, Ernst & Young presented their annual Beyond Borders report on the state of the biotech industry. Several themes are covered in the report but the underlying trend is a much broader discussion and movement towards open sharing of data and collaboration across academia, industry, patient advocacy groups and payors. This "networked innovation" aligns biotech with high tech's much broader use of data and personalized targeting that we see at work in social networks and online advertising every day and has enormous opportunity to increase timelines and success rates in drug development.
Barbara Lavery
June 25, 2012
Personalized Medicine
Mobilize your marketing
Smartphones are quickly becoming a way of life for medical professionals. An ongoing Knowledge Networks survey showed that in 2010 62% of specialists and 55% of primary care physicians own a smart phone, with 85% to 90% using them to access the Internet or email.
Barbara Lavery
January 19, 2011